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Вобью в али по ЕУ

Тема в разделе "Вещевой кардинг / дропы", создана пользователем steffan, 23 мар 2017.

  1. steffan

    steffan Member

    Вот это незадача)) Ноуты по 1к евро вбивают и ничего все норм) А ты боишься 200уе с евросклада)
    Теме ап!
  2. josebarr912

    josebarr912 Member

    стафф получил все ок
  3. vbv_dude

    vbv_dude New Member

    Stupid broke hungry timewasting kid
    He says want to buy Norway non vbv, bin, I tell him I have 3 bins from the same bank , but he is very hungry and broke to afford all 3. I say I cant sell one because if I do, then you will just lookup the bank name and get other bins.
    He becomes insultive

    [ 12:10 says]: Starting OTR session...
    [ 12:10 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [You 12:10 say]: So have you deposited escrow??
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:11 says]: no
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:11 says]: i create theme on automatic garant and add funds to my account
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:11 says]: on
    [You 12:11 say]: Yes I know how ESCrow works
    [You 12:12 say]: I have done lots of escrow on forum
    [You 12:12 say]: I still even have $2 in musd
    [You 12:12 say]: In my account
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:12 says]: i see
    [You 12:12 say]: Yes
    [You 12:12 say]: Check it yourself
    [You 12:12 say]: My username
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:13 says]: i see your account balance
    [ 12:13 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:13 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:13 says]: i see your account balance
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:14 says]: which country novbv bins you have?
    [ 12:14 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:14 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:14 says]: which country novbv bins you have?
    [ 12:15 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:15 says]: why you now answer?
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:15 says]: not
    [ 12:18 says]: Starting OTR session...
    [ 12:18 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [You 12:18 say]: Germany
    [You 12:18 say]: Switzerland
    [You 12:18 say]: Uk
    [You 12:18 say]: Finland
    [You 12:18 say]: Denmark
    [You 12:18 say]: Norway
    [You 12:18 say]: Belgium
    [You 12:18 say]: Japan
    [You 12:19 say]: Australia
    [You 12:19 say]: Sweden
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:19 says]: 10% novbv?
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:19 says]: 10%
    [You 12:19 say]: Yes
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:19 says]: 100%
    [You 12:19 say]: 100%
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:19 says]: norway how many bins?
    [You 12:19 say]: Which do you want to buy?
    [You 12:20 say]: Norway just 1 bin
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:20 says]: visa?
    [You 12:20 say]: No sorry wait
    [ 12:20 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:21 says]: Starting OTR session...
    [ 12:21 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [You 12:21 say]: Norway 3
    [You 12:21 say]: 2 visa
    [You 12:21 say]: One MasterCard
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:21 says]: credit debit?
    [ 12:21 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:22 says]: Starting OTR session...
    [ 12:22 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [You 12:22 say]: Credit
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:22 says]: all?
    [You 12:23 say]: Yes
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:23 says]: very nice
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:23 says]: i create theme
    [You 12:23 say]: You are in Norway??
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:23 says]: no)
    [You 12:23 say]: You have Sweden bank drop?
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:23 says]: no
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:24 says]: i am from Russia
    [You 12:24 say]: What do you cashout?
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:25 says]: nothing
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:25 says]: i buy cc and do in shop and buy electroins to russia drops
    [ 12:25 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:29 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:29 says]: bro, visa credit standart?
    [ 12:31 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:32 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:32 says]: bro, visa credit standart?
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:32 says]: gold?
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:32 says]: or other
    [ 12:33 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:42 says]: Starting OTR session...
    [ 12:42 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [You 12:42 say]: Classic
    [You 12:42 say]: Standard
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:42 says]: ok
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:42 says]: classic
    [ 12:43 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:43 says]:
    [ 12:44 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:44 says]: check it
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:44 says]:
    [ 12:44 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:51 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:51 says]: you check?
    [ 12:52 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:52 says]: Starting OTR session...
    [ 12:52 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [ 12:52 says]: Off-the-Record messaging session ended
    [ 12:52 says]: Starting OTR session...
    [ 12:52 says]: Chat is now Off-The-Record, all messages are encrypted.
    Contact identity can be verified optionally.
    [You 12:53 say]: No dont agree
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:53 says]: so why?
    [You 12:53 say]: First I thought you were buying all 3
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:53 says]: 3 card?
    [You 12:53 say]: Because all from same bank
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:54 says]: i need 1
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:54 says]: if all ok i buy other
    [You 12:54 say]: So if I sell you one bin, I can use bank name to get the remaining other bins
    [You 12:55 say]: 2ndly, I only sell bins and I will not wait forever till you find the cc in shop
    [You 12:55 say]: To get paid
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:55 says]: you crazy? i buy now if you get and test!
    [You 12:55 say]: Are you stupid??
    [You 12:55 say]: And if you dont find the cc in shop??
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:56 says]: i find!
    [You 12:56 say]: If not available?!?
    [You 12:56 say]: I should wait for years till whenever you find??
    [You 12:56 say]: You think Norway ccs are USA ccs??
    [You 12:56 say]: Even some USA bins I not find in shop
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:56 says]: thats i apply and 20$ transfer to you
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:57 says]: how many time you can get to find ccs?
    [You 12:57 say]: I will not sell 1 bin, because all the bins are from the same bank!!
    [You 12:57 say]: It is like selling 1 wells Fargo bin
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 12:58 says]: i not need usa
    [You 12:58 say]: You can just do search of other wells Fargo Bank bins
    [You 12:58 say]: I know
    [You 12:58 say]: I was using that as an example!
    [You 12:59 say]: You can just do search of other wells Fargo Bank bins
    and wont need to purchase that same bank bins from me again

    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:00 says]: i dont buy more one bins now! because you not have reputation!
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:00 says]: and buy 2 or more bins
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:00 says]: ...
    [You 13:00 say]: The minus was from those who were angry I didnt give them free bins
    [You 13:01 say]: Check my Reputattion history
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:01 says]: i dont need free BINs! I have reputation and dont lie people!
    [You 13:01 say]: And ESCrow history
    [You 13:01 say]: I already did over 1k in ESCrow
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:01 says]: where i check you ecsrow history?
    [You 13:02 say]: Oh it is private
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:02 says]: ahahaha
    [You 13:02 say]: Me and other partners
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:02 says]: bronze and gold users can see this bro. i ask my friends check it
    [You 13:03 say]: Then let them check it
    [You 13:03 say]: I wont sell one bin of a bank that has other bins from the same bank, that is foolish
    [You 13:04 say]: I will only sell one bin of the bank has only one bin
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:04 says]: you have this?
    [You 13:04 say]: 24 hours to check in shops
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:04 says]: not usa, canada and uk!
    [You 13:04 say]: If not found, ESCrow gets released to me
    [You 13:05 say]: If in the future you find cc and not non vbv I return cash, but I trust my bins 100%
    [You 13:06 say]: Yes I have non usa, Canada, UK but not one bin from one bank
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:06 says]: so bad
    [You 13:07 say]: You dont have more than $20
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:07 says]: yes
    [You 13:08 say]: Write me whenever you have more money
    [You 13:09 say]: And $20 in ESCrow is funny
    [You 13:09 say]: Minimum escrow I have done is $300
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:09 says]: you blind?
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:09 says]: Bye bye threw
    [You 13:09 say]: Blind with what??
    [You 13:10 say]: Isnt it only $20 you can afford
    [fraumuller@exploit.im 13:10 says]:
    [You 13:10
  4. Italy2017

    Italy2017 Member

    Privet esti dropi v de a it Cz slo magu prinimati liuboi Tavari pod vskup peresil
  5. steffan

    steffan Member

    Работаем! По ру только до 100. ЕУ до 200.
  6. steffan

    steffan Member

    Пока не актуально. Просьба модераторов закрыть тему!)
  7. bukowski

    bukowski Member

  8. pandora12

    pandora12 New Member

    @work2019 Готов сотрудничать нужны обьемы Пишите

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